
Another interest revealed...

Going in a new direction with this blog, as you can probably tell by the name change.
It has always been primarily about stuff going on in my life, with an occasional side trip to other topics. Starting today I will be adding some of my own written works.

This was published in 2005, I hope you enjoy it.

"Seasons of Love"

Love began to grow slowly
words and laughter
causing it to blossom
like spring flowers beneath
warm soil and gentle rains
the tender early feelings
growing ever stronger
as their roots reached deeper
into our hearts and souls

It soon overflowed
to fill our world with
a special heat and beauty
like rose bushes under
hot, cloudless summer skies
nourished by passions shared
and memories 
we began collecting together
it became richer and sweeter every day

Then for reasons unknown
a slight chill set in
like brisk autumn winds
our words became crisper
and no longer caressed
emotions often erupted
scattering as leaves
torn free and cast whirling
by violent storms

Now ice grips hearts
once so warm with love
and I feel lost
in a barren, cold emptiness
blinded by tears, as a blizzard
blinds the unwary traveler
trapped upon the road.
As the seasons of love complete their cycles
frozen with grief, I stand alone.

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