Been awhile since I wrote but one of my goals for this year is to try and be more consistent with my blogs.
The last few months of the year were pretty hectic and not always in a good way. I started a diet and did great for a month or so and then totally fell off the wagon, but getting right back on it starting Monday. What threw me wasn't the holidays so much as some news from the Dr.
I went to the first appt in 3 years feeling pretty darn good. Had lost 8 lbs (13 originally but gained back 5) had more energy due to healthier eating and working out, was sleeping better and all that good stuff. Was feeling a little depressed but that always happens around the holidays so was dealing ok,,,not great cause I did put that 5 lbs back on because of some comfort foods, but pretty well overall.
Then the news...right away very high blood pressure...great, with my weight and the high cholseterol this isn't a good thing at all. Then he says "Oh you have a heart murmur" I don't. Yes you do..great news #2...NOT. Then he begins asking me all these questions which I answer truthfully..result? He now wants me to test for Diabetes because my answers all indicate a very strong probability that I have that. I tell know this is why I hate going to the Dr. I felt GREAT until I came here and now I feel like I am going to die any minute! And he wants me to have an echo cardiogram to check my heart.
So, if those tests come back positive I will be a morbidly obese Diabetic Epileptic with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hyperthyroidism, depression and heart problems.
I am now afraid to do anything!!
Needless to say this all threw me for a loop, and I allowed myself to wallow in self-pity but told myself only until Jan 3. (appt was on 12-16)
I now have more reasons than ever to get back on the diet and work out...although working out kind of scares me now. I NEED to be here for a long time for my sons...a 26 yr old with Down Syndrome and a 20 yr old with Asperger's, my daughter and my 7 yr old grandson.
But the end of the year wasn't filled with only bad news.
I also finally enrolled in a photography course. A professional one that also teaches you the business side of being a professional photographer. Had to go with an online one, but I have been chatting with other students from there and doing a lot of research and this is a good one.
Also for once I used money I got for Christmas on ME and bought several photography related items that I really needed. Which was very fun, know spending money on me for a change! And I am going to do the same thing with my birthday money too!
So I have lots of major goals for the new year (as well as a few smaller ones, such as blogging and doing more stuff with my online stores and website) and can only imagine I am going to be very busy if I want to make all my dreams become realities.
The first of course is health related..lose the weight, quit smoking, become more active and get my self healthy!
Next, study my butt off and do good at the course and also take a workshop in the spring to become an accredited portrait photographer of special needs ultimate goal.
And finally, rid my life of all the clutter that is bogging my soul down. You know the stuff...all the negative thoughts and self esteem issues. Not to mention all the junk that is STILL in the cellar! Yes there is still a lot there although I did manage to make quite a dent in it. Right now I am thinking I am just going to donate it all to some place so folks that might need it can get it from there. That will be quicker and less of a hassle than trying to sell it. I just want it GONE...the sooner the better.
I guess there is one money. I am so tired of always being broke, of struggling to find extra money for kids' birthdays or Christmas...or God forbid emergency. Even if I can only put a measly $5 away some months, it WILL be done, but heck I am wasting $36 a month now on cigarettes so I should be able to save that much at least.
Already started on the photography one with the course and by contacting the director of the program one of my sons goes to about doing pictures of some of the clients there. A release form will be going out this month to at least 10 people that he is pretty confident will say yes. I can't imagine why anyone would turn down an opportunity to get 2 free photos in return for letting me use the pictures in marketing material...well I guess there would be reasons but they let the program use photos as marketing so why not me. A fellow client's parent? Anyhow keep your fingers crossed for me that it happens!
This would be a great beginning, I would be able to build a portfolio and if it goes well might get a real gig doing photos for them (the program) as well as some referrals to other places or simply word of mouth paying portrait sessions. At least that is what I'm hoping for :-D Of course I AM only a student right now and have a ways to go before my work is on a par with the pros but I have gotten some good comments on some portraits I've done so I am pretty optimistic.
Well, I figure I have rambled on long enough for now. If you'd like to stop by my website and see some samples of work, portraits and some other photography, please do so. I would love to hear feedback on it and also on the logo I designed for it and my business cards (which I already had made up).
Also, if you happen to live in RI and have, or know anyone with family members that have special needs, please feel free to mention my name and my budding business and send them along to my website!
Wishing you all a very happy and healthy new year.
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