

That was the word I chose to use as my word to live by this year, to guide me through the year, if you will. To me it means ridding myself of all the clutter in my life, both physical and emotional.
I worked a little on the emotional stuff last month and have a lot of plans to make the physical me and the space I (and my family) live in more soothing. Figured that since it is the 2nd month of the year already it was time to get started on the apt redo.

Right now my place is a mish mash of styles, have country things, vintage things, artier type things, you name a style and I probably have something (or a lot of in my home to go with it. I always considered my style to be eclectic, energizing and I am starting to think it is simply overpowering and a large contributor to my stress levels.

In a nutshell, I seek peace...both inner and in my surroundings. So I am making some changes. I love nature and although I don't go often,,heck not at all really in the past 27 years, and I don't really enjoy going IN the water...I LOVE the ocean. I love the smell, the sound, the motion, the coolness of the water, (when wading!) the hotness of the sand, the power and beauty of the waves crashing. If I could I would have a place near the ocean and spend large blocks of time there, not sunbathing or swimming, but simply walking the shore line. That not being possible I have decided to bring beach
elements to my home through decorating,

I'm sure you all know what I mean, blues, whites, tans, splashes of yellow and red and greens, shells, baskets, light wood...maybe a water feature or 2 (we actually have 2 small table top fountains that we don't use!) driftwood, glass......

Yes it will take awhile to do the whole place, but I have nothing but time...well between Mom duties, photo school, trying to start a business, exercising etc...LOL But since my living room already has the right colored walls I am starting there, all I need is some sandpaper to get the wood furniture down to it's natural state, switch out the art work, clear out the shelves and start over, and make or buy some slipcovers, curtains too...and voila one room done!

Kitchen will be just as easy really, want to strip the table and chairs and paint then which is a warm project for sure but can start getting rid of or repurposing pieces I don't want in there any longer and decluttering it now.

t wait to get started, think I'll take before photos tomorrow :-D

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