
10 Great Ways To Succeed At Quitting!

Quitting  seems like such a negative thing, and quitters are often thought of as ...well...quitters. Folks that don't have the ambition and drive to keep going, no matter what the odds are. Often they are thought to be lazy, shiftless, and just downright no good.

However, quitting isn't always bad. It can actually be a wonderful way to begin! A real kick in the pants if you will. As sort of a professional quitter myself, I am often amazed at how many new things I have learned by quitting!

To help YOU succeed at quitting, here are 10 great ways to quit.

1. Quit worrying and start living.
You may actually discover that life is pretty awesome if you stop worrying about all the things that could -and might not ever- go wrong!

2. Quit complaining and start planning.
I'm guilty of this, but recently made the choice to quit (yea me!) and start planning. Who knows what my plans may cause to happen?

3. Quit looking for excuses why you can’t and start looking for reasons why you must.
Don't get me started on excuses! I have plenty of them, all legitimate ones too. I'm sure that you also have real excuses that prevent you from doing something. Let's make a pact, you and I, let's find a way to work around those excuses, no matter how insurmountable they seem and discover the reasons why we must decide that we CAN!!

4. Quit editing content and start sharing what you think.
Seriously, why worry (remember you quit worrying in step 1) about what others may think if you share your real opinion on things? Being part of the crowd isn't really all it's cracked up to be. Stand up for what you believe in and watch what happens. You might be surprised.

5. Quit blaming others and start taking responsibility.
I think everybody does this to a certain extent, it seems easier, less painful maybe, to blame others for what is lacking or has gone wrong in your life. Time to quit this also, after all, who needs the guilt or the constant struggle of figuring out who to blame each time something goes wrong. Take responsibility, forgive yourself and move on, the best is yet to come!

6. Quit following and start leading.
 Remember how much fun it was to be the leader when playing Follow the Leader when you were a kid? Seriously, what joy is there in copying what everyone else does, thinks , wears, eats, etc. Be yourself! Be unique and maybe even a little bit off the wall. Then watch how quickly folks line up to follow you!

7. Quit wishing it would happen and start making it happen.
You can sit and wish for all manner of wonderful things, but unless you get up and make them happen, all you will ever have is a bunch of useless wishes.

8. Quit criticizing and start producing.
Ok, so you wish you used red instead of blue paint for the background, or the quilting isn't straight, or, you aren't happy with the story you wrote. Do not start over, keep going! Turn what you consider  mistakes into a wonderful journey of discovery. If you are always starting over because you are too critical of your work you will NEVER get anything done, which will lead you to complaining and making excuses....see the problem here??

9. Quit focusing on what you fear and start focusing on what you want.
I get it, we are all afraid of failure. I believe that fear alone is the sole reason so many of us deny ourselves the chance to follow our dreams. The only true failure is the failure to try. Of course you may want to be a deep sea diver but are afraid of sharks which is a whole other ball of wax, but the same thing applies, focus on learning how to dive safely (maybe in a very strong steel cage!) and go for it.

10. Quit aiming to be perfect and start aiming to be your best.
NOBODY is or ever will be perfect. If somebody claims otherwise don't believe them.  Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have, and be happy knowing that you succeeded in doing so.

By now you should pretty much have figured out that quitting is actually a GREAT thing to do! In fact the world would be a much better place if everyone decided to quit doing all the awful, hateful, selfish things they do and focused on doing caring, kind  things instead.

I hope that you use these 10 steps to start a new life full of wonderful beginnings that lead you to many happy endings!

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