Can't believe I haven't posted here in over two years!!
Will be starting it up again now though. This is the first and sadly just a kind of quick one.
My life has changed drastically the past few months. I've gone from being your basic couch potato to going non stop 18/7! My day was filled with Facebook, email, web searches and baking oodles of fattening yet yummy treats.
Now though I have been on so little the past few days that I feel so out of touch! I try to jump on a couple times a day to see if any notifications on Facebook are for me personally. Late at night and early mornings I try to check in on what everyone is doing but I'm missing a lot I know.
Another week or two and the worst of it will be over, then will just be the upkeep of the yard, watering, weeding type stuff. Yes, you guessed it, as in the post written two years ago before this, I have once again started a major garden And that is just ONE of the projects I have going on right now.
I have started making myself a weekly list that has 6 major things I want to get done. Today was the first day and I managed to cross off 1 item (the raspberry bush) and 1/2 of another (the poly on the chair), so I think this just might work.
Tomorrow's plan is work on the kitchen, plant some grass seed, and water everything again and hopefully spray paint the outside loveseat.
I really like this paint for plastic :-) and may pick up some more cans next month. I have a bunch of big white bucket type containers that used to hold gallons of chicken salad. I used them the way they are for planters last year, but how much better they will be painted and maybe making a border along one edge of the sitting area :-D
On another note, this time last year I was stressed out trying to get a photography business off the ground without any money to spare for it, no transportation to get to locations, and most importantly, no clients! Well ok, I did manage to get a few, and I really loved meeting them and taking photos of the adorable babies, and beautiful children. I really was hoping to make a go of it. Especially the Down Syndrome Project that I began, but then had to stop doing. The stress was really too much and was beginning to cause some major health issues, but I kept going until the final blow. I lost the use of free space that I was using as my studio. With no place to take photos and no car...well it was pretty easy to make the decision to put the business aside for a bit.
ANYHOW, this year, I am relaxed, enjoying time outside with my youngest son as we work together in the yard. My grandson comes over every weekend from Friday night to Sunday morning. I am feeling healthier, losing weight, and while not deliriously happy, I am very content with life right now. Usually. I still have the occasional bouts of depression, but those have been around so long that they are just part of life. They hit, I cry for a week, or two, or however long it takes for them to go away, and work even harder than usual to stop my mind from dwelling on things that can't be changed and things eventually get back to what passes for normal here.
No biggie.
Well, this got longer than I intended, I'm going to try to post 3-4 times a week after tonight and share photos of what I'm doing outside, or recipes I've made recently, just a little bit of everything.
So until then, hope you're all doing well and enjoying what ever type of weather Mother Nature is handing you (unless it's major disaster weather of course!) From what I've been seeing it is pretty unusual lately. I mean SNOW?? In MAY??
And that is it for me until next time. Night All.
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