I'm thinking the picture above may give you a bit of a hint what this post is about. Yep, I have decided to clean the cellar and rid myself of a lot of stuff that is no longer needed. Oh and bear in mind that I have been making this decision for quite some time. Have actually worked at it occasionally too. And yet, still the memories, the good, the bad and the ugly remain in all these boxes, bags and bins...
What's that you say? This doesn't look like a lot of stuff? You are right, it doesn't, there's a bike, maybe 5 boxes and 2 rubber maid bins..so what's the big deal, right?
Well...this is not even IN my cellar yet,,this is the stuff that is to the right of my actual cellar door. It is here because I have no room in my cellar for it.
Have I mentioned yet that my cellar measures approx. 16'x20'???
Let's enter the room now, shall we?
Pictures are a little out of order, so just follow along..be careful to stick close, we might not find you again if you wander off from the group!
This first photo is the right side of the room as soon as you enter, part of it that is.

Did I mention my cellar is approx. 16'x20'?? I think I did, but thought I would tell you again. Did I tell you I have a lot of stuff??
Yes, I will admit to having a bit of a hoarding problem going on here, in case you haven't noticed! In all fairness though, some of this stuff does belong to my daughter and grandson, when I am done ridding myself of what I have been keeping, I'll take another shot so we can see how much of this is actually theirs.
Would you believe that I have already sold stuff from here? Last Columbus Day I had a 3 day yard sale and sold off maybe 4 boxes of stuff. Then my daughter moved and took quite a few boxes too. But for some reason, the cellar doesn't seem to get any emptier. If anything I seem to have LESS room than before, which is why I now have to stack stuff outside the door!
Could these boxes be reproducing??? I'm not sure, but something is going on here. I work and work and never seem to clear any space at all. And I am being RUTHLESS now. Gone are the slightly molding almost empty journals my son had to keep in 1st grade (btw, he is 20 now), also in the trash and picked up today, all the receipts I have come across so far that date back to 1984 (and older!!) I think it's safe to throw these away now, don't you?
And I can't remember why I was saving the box full of used Styrofoam cups, almost empty rolls of toilet paper, empty tape rolls, ripped bags, empty chip bags, crumpled bags from Mickey D's...well you get the idea right? I can only assume that while moving we put all our trash into this box, so we wouldn't litter or leave a mess behind, and somehow, this box got taped up and stored! Judging from the condition of the stuff inside, stored for many many years too.
Boy is my face red right now.
Of course there are also the boxes of stuff that *might be needed someday* like the sink faucet, and the wooden furniture legs that don't go to any piece of furniture that I own, and Lord knows that someday I may really really need the old cracked teething ring that belonged to one of my kids!
My face just gets redder and redder...
Naturally there is SOME good stuff down here. Like a gazillion books, from preschool age to my criminal law books from college. You name a type of book and we more than likely have it stored in our cellar! Also magazines..don't even let me get started on the magazines. And if you need a stuffed animal to cuddle up with, there is, no lie, 2 sailor duffel bags, a huge black plastic bag (BIGGER than the 30 gal ones) and at least 2 boxes FULL of stuffed animals.
So now you know. I have been spending the last few days going through boxes. Sometimes in disgust. Sometimes with laughter. And very often with tears, as I uncover some long lost memory, my 1st born's Christening outfit, the huge clay rose my daughter made me for Mother's Day in 1st grade, the 2 blue and 1 pink teeny t-shirts they were sent home from the hospital in, the card that my youngest made me when he was 8.......you know the kind of things I mean.
They are the hardest to let go and those boxes take the longest to sort through, but so far, in the last 4 days, I have managed to whittle 8 boxes, 2 bags and1 suitcase down to one box and 1 bin to sell, and 1 rubber maid bin to keep.
Hopefully by Labor Day, I will have an almost empty space....if I can control my urge to fill it up again and if the darn things stop being so naughty when I am not around and multiplying!
Til next time.....
You should see my sewing room/studio/library or whatever name it has. At one time I counted 75 storage bins, around a 1000 video tapes in bankers boxes. Last time up I added some chests, 5/6 shelf units a couple sewing cabinets and lots of DH's books in boxes. Told DC that they have the job of getting rid of it, if they want the money too. DD has claimed the tapes so she can delete and use. giggle Auntie Glenna
WOW Auntie Glenna! Your room sounds maybe worse than my cellar. Maybe a bit more organized though?I believe it about the videos,have tons of them down here too. Began getting all the boxes of books in one area today to make it easier to get at them for the yard sale, figure they will go fast at .25 a piece, or 5 for a buck!
Although if I actually open the boxes I may get the *have to keeps* and that will not be a good thing..LOL
I try to get mine to help me down there but nobody will. Of course they do all come around AFTER the sales for the loot though!
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